October 23

Yesterday was another commute that involved running over to the Zendo after work.  The mornings are getting a little too dark to take any photos.  Here is the bike at its parking spot at Mountain Cloud.

The ride as recorded was 15.4 miles, but I did forget to turn on the gps thingy.

That is my final official ride of the October challenge.  But, as you can tell, I ride most days, and most days I ride, I ride a three speed.

Today, I rode the Happy Little Three Speed up.  There's snow in the forecast today, and I figure if it's wet, and particular if they end up putting down salt and cinders, the plastic fenders are the way to go.  It is snowing sporadically, but nothing is building up on the ground.  I admit I am not overly fond of riding in the snow and ice.


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