The HLTSB Goes Shopping

I was off to the pet store and grocery store this morning to refill the cat litter bucket, buy some cat and cockatiel food, and pick a few groceries up at the grocery store.  I often use this old trailer of mine on the Happy Little Three Speed, and I used it for a long time when the bike was only the Happy Little Single Speed.  Don't let anyone tell you you can't haul a trailer with a three speed bicycle.  (Not that anyone has ever told me that.)

I believe the trailer is a BicycleR Evolution trailer, but they don't seem to have a web page anymore.  I assume that they are no longer made, which is a shame, because it's a simple design, and it's easy to replace the Rubbermaid container should you need to.  One of the people who started Bike Friday branched off into this trailer business - if my memory is serving me correctly.

I bounce back and forth between using the above setup and using my Xtracycle.  The Xtracycle is much quieter.  That trailer bounces around like mad, especially when empty, and it is easy to flip over if you come off curb cut with only one trailer wheel in the cut, or if you just hit a bump wrong.  I don't believe I've every flipped it once it's loaded.  I like that I can just toss things in there, and it handles better with a fifty pound bag of dog food or chicken food than the Xtracycle - though I have loaded each side of the Xtracycle with fifty pounds worth.  It works, but a three speed with a trailer works too.

It is, by the way, snowing again today, but not much, and I think this might be one of winter's final gasps.


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