Society of Three Speeds Adventure April

It's almost time for the Society of  Three Speeds Adventure April.  Registration is open.  I registered, although I'm currently plagued by juniper allergies and my enthusiasm for adventure is at a low ebb. 

I'm also trying to redesign this blog on the fly.  I don't like the layout, and I'm trying to add links to other pages, but they're hidden, (and currently I only have a link to the SOTS).  I'm not happy with it.  I just don't have the time I would like to work on this blog.

Some day it may be amazing.

My biggest challenge for Adventure April will be finding a place to do a bike overnight that is joyfully accessible by three speed.  Being in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, most of the campsites I've biked to are up in said mountains, and are a real grind to get to, even in the granny gear of my touring bicycle.

I may try to cycle around behind Atalaya down the Old Santa Fe Trail.  There are dirt roads back behind Canada de los Alamos where I have bike camped before.  Or I might try to bicycle down to Diablo Canyon and the Rio Grande, though those dirt roads have some very sandy spots, particularly where they cross arroyos.  I haven't yet decided, but I'll set a weekend and determine a location.


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