Adventure April, Attempt #2

I made another attempt at an Adventure April Challenge - riding a three speed 15 miles or more - but I think it would officially count as a failed attempt.  We did, in fact, cover 24 miles today, but we stopped here at Mountain Cloud Zen Center to do a little work on erosion control.  Here's the results of our two hours of work with Jay, David, David, and Mark:

After we finished there we bicycled down to Cafe Fina to eat lunch; that only took us about another six miles, but it's a nice ride with fairly gentle ups and downs for Santa Fe.  We passed some people on road bikes on our way into the restaurant parking lot, and they turned around to talk to us.  It turned out to be Charlie O'Leary of O'Leary Bikes who did the job of filling in the rounded and widened rear dropouts of the Raleigh with brass.  He said he and his wife Lily, (I'm not sure of the spelling), were wondering who that was riding down the highway on a 3-speed and then realized who it must be.

We had a wonderful lunch and headed back home.  Unfortunately, home is only twelve miles away, so I didn't quite make fifteen in a single shot.

My rides are supposed to be public on Ride with GPS.  If that is, indeed, true, then the ride can be found here.

Of particular interest is that we did 1468 feet of climbing and 1,469 feet of descending.  That would seem to indicate that our house sank by one foot while we were away.

I may never quite hit any of the Adventure April goals - I was 33' short on the climb and 3 miles short on the distance, though I might have time this month to make it up.  Also, I do plan an overnight, with some coffee-brewing, and it would be difficult to fall short there.  However it may be, the challenge does have me riding out of my usual circuit of home-work-home-work-Zendo-home, and to that extent, even if I'm a little short on the challenges, I'm having fun on the the bikes, and that's what it's all about.


  1. I was just looking at the Society of Three Speeds blog in which Shawn answered some of my questions from my first post - I didn't see that until now Shawn. The two hour break to do erosion control might count as a penalty break, but I think I'm good with the lunch. That would be six miles from Mountain Cloud to Cafe Fina, lunch, and then twelve miles back home. I'll count that as a win on the distance challenge. I have a hill in mind that might do it for the climbing - the thing is, there aren't many hills around that are a consistent grade, but we'll see what we can find.


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